2008年12月27日 星期六

Happy New Year 2009‏

Happy New Year 2009 to All. jcl +漢譯 this beautiful song. 在廣大擴世的一小角落 早陽終於照到我倆 強溢的光輝 印映著兩頰流下的眼淚 愛的決心不用辭句 請勿獨自哭泣 把即將忘懷的悲情 拋出窗外 然我倆 一道把它送走 愛的決心不必多言 請勿獨自出走 把握近傍的幸福 伸出雙手 靜靜地 讓我倆來耕耘 Welcome comment and correction. JCL

1 則留言:

Sue L. 提到...

A message two-years overdue from the sister of Ching Fu Lin:
This song from God Father, sung by尾崎紀世彥, brings tears to my eyes each time I played it-- a mythical synthesis of the East and the West may be the secret ingredient. I doubt the future generations will deliver such a rich expression as he did. Let me see what my daughter has to say)
p.s. Unlike Ching Fu, I know very little about Japanese singers. Thank you for introducing him in this blog.